Switched on Post

Switched on Post

Contributing Producer Marie Kilaru discusses the emotional impacts of making and seeing Before and After posts; Charlie Harding of Switched on Pop joins Jason to talk about what pop-musical acts have sounded like the internet. Also: Georgia reads Franny Choi’s “Unrequited Lovesong for the Panopticon”

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Join us on Twitch, Friday, April 12th @ 2pm ET to chat about audio production!
  • Call us at 651 615 5007 to leave a voice mail
  • Drop us a voice memo via airtable
  • Or email us at theneverpost at gmail dot com
Intro Links
Before and After Photos
Special thanks to Hannah Meacock-Ross for editorial support
What (Pop Music) Does the Internet Sound Like?

Unrequited Love Song for the Panopticon was used with permission 
Never Post’s producers are Audrey Evans, Georgia Hampton and The Mysterious Dr. Firstname Lastname. Our contributing producer this episode is Marie Kilaru. Our senior producer is Hans Buetow. Our executive producer is Jason Oberholtzer. The show’s host is Mike Rugnetta. 

After the accident we had
the phrase after the accident.

Also this: before the accident.
We had a drawer marked

before and after, and after
and before happenings

we'd add atrocities and
incidents and the wild

asters someone before
and after keeps leaving.

After By Andrea Cohen

Never Post is a production of Charts & Leisure.

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Creators and Guests

Mike Rugnetta
Mike Rugnetta
Host of Never Post. Creator of Fun City, Reasonably Sound, Idea Channel and other internet things.
Hans Buetow
Hans Buetow
Independent Senior Audio Producer. Formerly with Terrible, Thanks for Asking and The New York Times